(401) 425-5232 Consultation

Breast Implant Removal in Providence, RI

The Changes You Want

Breast Implant Removal at Brower Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation has been a popular cosmetic procedure for years, with countless women opting for breast implants to enhance their appearance.

However, as time goes by, some women may find themselves in a situation where they want to make changes to their implants. This can be due to various reasons, including implant rupture, a desire for a different size or shape, or a preference for removing the implants altogether. At Brower Plastic Surgery in Providence, RI, we offer breast revision, breast implant removal, and exchange procedures to help women achieve the breast appearance they desire.

Reshaped To Fit You

What is Breast Implant Removal?

Breast Implant Removal in Providence, RI  Providence

Breast revision, breast implant removal, and exchange are cosmetic surgery procedures designed to modify or remove breast implants that were previously placed. The goal is to enhance or restore the appearance of the breasts. These procedures are suitable for women who are dissatisfied with their current breast implants, have experienced complications, or simply want to make changes to their breast size or shape. Dr. Brower carefully evaluates each patient's unique situation and goals during a comprehensive consultation to determine the most appropriate surgical approach.

Bespoke Aesthetics

What are the benefits of Breast Implant Removal?

Undergoing breast revision, exchange or breast implant removal Providence patients can experience several benefits.

First and foremost, it allows you to achieve the breast appearance you desire. Whether you want larger or smaller implants, a different shape, or no implants at all, these procedures offer flexibility to meet your aesthetic goals. Additionally, addressing issues like implant rupture or complications can improve your overall breast health and comfort. Dr. Brower's expertise ensures that your surgery is customized to provide the best results for your specific needs.

Revision, Removal, or Exchange

Your Breast Implant Removal Consultation

At our practice in Providence Breast Implant Removal, Exchange, or Breast Revision procedures are expertly conducted by our skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Jonathan Brower, who brings specialized expertise to each of these nuanced surgical interventions. During your consultation, Dr. Brower listens carefully to your concerns, goals, and desires. He evaluates your current breast implants, discusses your options, and provides expert guidance on the most suitable surgical techniques to achieve your desired outcome. Dr. Brower's commitment to open and honest communication ensures that all your questions and concerns are thoroughly addressed, helping you make informed decisions about your breast revision surgery.

Breast Revision, Exchange or Breast Implant Removal are ideal for women who have previously undergone breast augmentation and now wish to make changes to their implants. Whether you want to switch to a different implant size, remove your implants entirely, or address issues like implant rupture, Dr. Brower can develop a tailored surgical plan to meet your specific needs.

Breast Implant Removal in Providence, RI  Providence

With Your Satisfaction In Mind

Your Breast Implant Removal Procedure

The breast revision, breast implant removal, and exchange procedures are performed in an operating room setting. Dr. Brower tailors the surgery to your specific needs, which may include removing or exchanging breast implants and addressing any complications. If necessary, a breast lift may also be performed to optimize your breast shape and position. Dr. Brower carefully evaluates the condition of the breast implant capsule — the scar tissue that forms around the implant—and removes it if it appears abnormal. Patients typically return home the same day with a personalized aftercare plan in place.

A Well-Supported Recovery

Breast Implant Removal Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery after breast revision, breast implant removal, or exchange typically involves taking about one week off from work to allow for initial healing. Strenuous activities, particularly heavy lifting and vigorous exercise, should be avoided for approximately six weeks to ensure a smooth recovery process. Dr. Brower and his dedicated team provide detailed aftercare instructions and are available to address any concerns or questions that may arise during your recovery.

For Comfort and Confidence

Breast Implant Removal Results

The results of breast revision, breast implant removal, or exchange can be truly transformative. You'll achieve the breast appearance you desire, whether it's a change in size, shape, or the removal of implants altogether. Dr. Brower's expertise ensures that your results are natural-looking and in harmony with your overall body contour. Patients often experience improved comfort, confidence, and satisfaction with their breast appearance following these procedures.

Breast Implant RemovalFrequently Asked Questions

Good candidates for breast revision, breast implant removal, or exchange are women who have previously undergone breast augmentation and are dissatisfied with their current breast implants, have experienced complications, or wish to make changes to their breast size or shape. Dr. Brower will evaluate your unique situation and goals during a personalized consultation to determine if you are a suitable candidate for these procedures.

Recovery time can vary depending on the specific procedure and individual factors. However, most patients can expect to take approximately one week off from work to allow for initial healing. Strenuous activities, including heavy lifting and vigorous exercise, should be avoided for approximately six weeks to ensure a smooth recovery process. Dr. Brower and his team will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions and are available to address any concerns or questions during your recovery.

When performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Jonathan Brower, breast revision, breast implant removal, and exchange procedures are generally safe. Dr. Brower prioritizes patient safety and takes all necessary precautions to minimize risks and complications. He will discuss potential risks and benefits during your consultation and provide you with comprehensive information to help you make an informed decision about your surgery.

You will not feel any pain during the procedure because you will be given general anesthesia. All surgery is followed by some discomfort as the anesthesia wears off, but most patients find that their discomfort is less than they expected. Dr. Brower will provide different types of pain medications to make your recovery as comfortable and smooth as possible. You can text or call Dr. Brower any time after surgery if you have any concerns.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Brower, Premier Providence, RI Plastic Surgeon.

Dr. Brower’s patient-focused approach delivers a uniquely compassionate treatment experience and impeccably natural results. Begin the journey to enhanced confidence and well-being with a private consultation at Brower Plastic Surgery.

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