(401) 425-5232 Consultation

Breast Augmentationin Providence, RI

Increase Your Confidence

Providence Breast Augmentation at Brower Plastic Surgery

When it comes to enhancing your natural beauty and boosting your confidence, breast augmentation is a popular choice.

At Brower Plastic Surgery in Providence, Rhode Island, we specialize in breast augmentation procedures that are designed to deliver life-changing results. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Jonathan Brower, MD, our practice is dedicated to providing accessible luxury experiences for our patients, ensuring they feel comfortable and confident throughout their journey.

Enhance Shape And Contour

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation in Providence, RI  Providence

Breast augmentation is designed to enhance both the shape and the size of the breasts. It's an ideal choice for women looking to add volume and enhance the contours of their breasts to achieve a more proportionate and confident appearance. It is a highly versatile procedure, allowing you to achieve results that align with your individual goals.

For patients experiencing sagging of the breasts, a breast lift (mastopexy) may be recommended in conjunction with breast augmentation. This combination of procedures allows Dr. Brower to not only enlarge and reshape the breasts but also to lift them to a higher position on the chest wall and reposition the nipple as needed for more youthful contours.

Adult women of all ages can be good candidates for breast augmentation in Providence. The procedure does not typically interfere with the ability to breastfeed in the future. During your consultation with Dr. Brower, he will carefully listen to your goals and conduct a physical examination to create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your unique desires and anatomy.

Add Volume

What are the benefits of Breast Augmentation?

With Breast Augmentation Providence patients experience both physical and emotional benefits, as well as a boost in self-esteem and confidence as they achieve their desired breast size and shape. The procedure can:

  • Enhance breast volume and fullness
  • Improve breast symmetry
  • Create a more balanced physique
  • Increase clothing options 
  • Boost self-image

Dr. Brower and his team at Brower Plastic Surgery are committed to ensuring that every patient receives the benefits they seek from breast augmentation while maintaining a natural and aesthetically harmonious appearance.

Comprehensive Care

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Your journey to enhanced confidence begins with a comprehensive consultation for your Breast Augmentation at Brower Plastic Surgery. During this initial meeting, Dr. Brower will take the time to understand your goals and expectations.

He will also perform a thorough physical examination to recommend the most suitable treatment plan for you for your breast augmentation. Dr. Brower's approach is rooted in a deep commitment to understanding your unique concerns and providing thoughtful recommendations. Your consultation is a collaborative process where you can ask questions and discuss your options, ensuring that you are fully informed and comfortable with your decision.

Breast Augmentation in Providence, RI  Providence

An Alluring Aesthetic

Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

Dr. Brower performs breast augmentation with the use of general anesthesia. Patients typically return home the same day as their procedure. Incisions are expertly placed to keep surgical scars minimal, usually measuring less than two inches, and discreetly located in the fold underneath the breast. To achieve a natural look, most patients benefit from the placement of the implant underneath the pectoral muscle, allowing the breast tissue to naturally re-drape over the implant.

While breast implants are commonly used, providing a range of sizes and shapes to choose from, some patients may be candidates for fat transfer. This technique involves removing fat from one area of the body and using it to increase breast size. In some cases, a combination of both techniques may be recommended to achieve the desired results.

A Better Fit

Breast Augmentation Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery from breast augmentation is typically routine, allowing most patients to return to their daily activities within a reasonable timeframe. 

  • Most patients take about one week off from work after breast augmentation.
  • A surgical bra is worn for three months following surgery to provide support and aid in the healing process.
  • Strenuous activities, particularly lifting and running, should be avoided for approximately six weeks to ensure a smooth recovery.

At our practice in Providence Breast Augmentation prioritizes patient safety and comfort. Dr. Brower and his team provide comprehensive guidance on the recovery process to ensure optimal results at Brower Plastic Surgery.


Breast Augmentation Results

The results of breast augmentation are often life-enhancing. Achieving enhanced breast volume and improved contours and symmetry can provide a boost in self-confidence and improved body image. Dr. Brower's expertise ensures that the results look natural and your breasts are proportionate to your body, giving you the appearance you desire and inspiring you to live life to the fullest.

Breast AugmentationFrequently Asked Questions

Yes, breast implants are considered to be very safe. Silicone breast implants are FDA-approved for women 22 years and older, while saline implants are approved for women 18 years and older. Like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation comes with potential risks, which Dr. Brower will discuss with you in detail during your consultation.

Implant rupture is uncommon. In the rare event of a rupture, the implant may need to be replaced. Dr. Brower will provide guidance on how to proceed in such a situation.

Typically, as long as breast implants are intact and continue to provide results that you are happy with, they can remain in place. However, it is recommended to have regularly scheduled breast ultrasounds to screen for any potential concerns.

Breast implants are generally safe, but some patients may experience certain symptoms known as Breast Implant Illness (BII). Dr. Brower will discuss the potential risks and benefits of breast augmentation with you to ensure you make an informed decision.

You will not feel any pain during the procedure because you will be given general anesthesia. All surgery is followed by some discomfort as the anesthesia wears off, but most patients find that their discomfort is less than they expected. Dr. Brower will provide different types of pain medications to make your recovery as comfortable and smooth as possible. You can text or call Dr. Brower any time after surgery if you have any concerns.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Brower, Premier Providence, RI Plastic Surgeon.

Dr. Brower’s patient-focused approach delivers a uniquely compassionate treatment experience and impeccably natural results. Begin the journey to enhanced confidence and well-being with a private consultation at Brower Plastic Surgery.

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