(401) 425-5232 Consultation

Mommy Makeover in Providence, RI

Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back

Mommy Makeover at Brower Plastic Surgery

The Mommy Makeover offered at Brower Plastic Surgery in Providence, RI, is a comprehensive surgical intervention designed to address the physiological changes experienced post-pregnancy. The term “Mommy Makeover” was coined as a phrase for a series of complex procedures that target common postpartum changes, including ptotic (sagging) breasts, excess adipose tissue in the abdominal region, diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles), and redundant skin.

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Jonathan Brower, a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon, each procedure is meticulously tailored to ensure both safety and optimal outcomes, aiming to restore a patient's pre-pregnancy physique and deliver optimal results. Experience a transformative Mommy Makeover in Providence, expertly crafted to meet your unique needs and aesthetic goals.

The Post-Mommy Glow

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy Makeover in Providence, RI  Providence

A Mommy Makeover is a comprehensive cosmetic procedure designed to restore your body to its pre-pregnancy contours. It's a personalized approach to address the unique changes after childbirth. The ideal candidate for a Mommy Makeover is a healthy woman who has maintained a stable weight (within 10lbs), has a BMI less than 30, and has no plans for future pregnancies. Whether you're struggling with breast changes, excess abdominal skin and fat, or weakened abdominal muscles, Dr. Brower will craft a tailored plan to rejuvenate your appearance.

What does a Mommy Makeover typically include?

A Mommy Makeover is a customized procedure tailored to each patient's unique needs. It may involve breast augmentation, reduction or lift, abdominal skin and fat removal, abdominal muscle tightening, and liposuction in some cases. Dr. Brower will create a personalized plan to achieve your desired results.

Revive and Thrive

What are the benefits of a Mommy Makeover?

With a Mommy Makeover Providence patients experience benefits that transcend mere physical enhancement.

Not only will you regain a body closer to your pre-pregnancy physique, but you'll also experience a boost in confidence and self-esteem. You'll feel more comfortable and attractive in your skin by addressing issues like sagging breasts, abdominal bulges, and stubborn fat. This newfound confidence can positively impact your overall well-being, allowing you to embrace life with renewed vigor and self-assurance.

For A Revitalized Aesthetic

Your Mommy Makeover Consultation

Begin your Mommy Makeover journey with a consultation at Brower Plastic Surgery.

At our practice in Providence Mommy Makeover procedures begin with a personalized appointment where Dr. Brower devotes time to understanding your unique concerns and aesthetic aspirations. He will evaluate your overall health and discuss your suitability for the procedure. Dr. Brower will provide expert guidance on the most appropriate surgical techniques, incision options, and expected results, ensuring you are well informed and comfortable with recovery.

Mommy Makeover in Providence, RI  Providence

Stunning and Discreet

Your Mommy Makeover Procedure

Based on your consultation, the procedure may involve breast augmentation, reduction, or lift to restore the youthful appearance of your breasts. Excess abdominal skin and fat are skillfully removed to slim the tummy and eliminate stretch marks. Abdominal muscles are tightened to achieve a flatter belly. Many patients also benefit from liposuction to target stubborn fat pockets. Surgical scars are strategically placed for minimal visibility, ensuring your newfound beauty is stunning and discreet.

Newfound Confidence

Mommy Makeover Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery from a Mommy Makeover typically involves taking one to two weeks off work and allowing your body time to heal. While gentle walking is encouraged, strenuous activities should be avoided for six weeks, particularly lifting and running. This period of rest and recovery is crucial to ensure the incisions heal properly and your abdominal muscles regain strength. If you have younger children at home, it’s imperative that you have help because you’ll be unable to pick them up for about four to six weeks.

Natural-Looking Results

Mommy Makeover Results

You can expect your final Mommy Makeover results within a few months as any swelling and bruising subside, with full results becoming apparent over the following 6 to 12 months. Your body will regain more youthful contours, and you'll likely experience enhanced confidence and self-image. Dr. Brower's expertise and precision will leave you with natural-looking, stunning results that reflect your unique beauty and boost your self-esteem. These results can be long-lasting with proper maintenance through a healthy lifestyle and skincare regimen, typically for many years.

Mommy MakeoverFrequently Asked Questions

The ideal candidate for a Mommy Makeover is a healthy woman who has maintained a stable weight (within 10lbs), has a BMI less than 30, and has no plans for future pregnancies. This procedure addresses post-pregnancy changes, such as breast sagging, excess abdominal fat, and stretched skin.

Most patients take one to two weeks off from work after a Mommy Makeover. Strenuous activities, especially lifting and running, should be avoided for six weeks to allow proper healing of incisions and abdominal muscles. Gentle walking is encouraged during the recovery process.

Dr. Brower carefully places surgical scars in strategic locations to minimize visibility. They are often hidden by underwear or a bathing suit, ensuring your results are stunning and discreet.

You will not feel any pain during the procedure because you will be given general anesthesia. All surgery is followed by some discomfort as the anesthesia wears off, but most patients find that their discomfort is less than they expected. Dr. Brower will provide different types of pain medications to make your recovery as comfortable and smooth as possible. You can text or call Dr. Brower any time after surgery if you have any concerns.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Brower, Premier Providence, RI Plastic Surgeon.

Dr. Brower’s patient-focused approach delivers a uniquely compassionate treatment experience and impeccably natural results. Begin the journey to enhanced confidence and well-being with a private consultation at Brower Plastic Surgery.

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